Key Stage 4 Results
Our students have performed extremely well achieving our best ever results. We are very proud of their achievements.
This has been achieved by the hard work and commitment of our students, our staff and parents and carers.
Key Figures
- Attainment 8 score is: 51.74
- Progress 8: 0.74 (provisional)
- Basics measure (achieving both Maths and English)
- 9-5 – 49.2%
- 9-4 – 69.7%
- EBACC measure – students achieving GCSEs in English, maths, Science, Humanities and Languages. The average point score in the English Baccalaureate is 4.93
- Percentage of students entered for the EBACC: 63%
- EBACC 9-5 – 34.5% and EBACC 9-4 – 48.9%
- GCSE English – 28% of students achieved a grade 9-7, 70.8% of students achieved a grade 9-5 and 87.1% of students achieved a grade 9-4
- GCSE English – 19% of students achieved a grade 9-7, 53.8% of students achieved a grade 9-5 and 72.3% of students achieved a grade 9-4
- GCSE Science (2 GCSEs) – 26.1% of students achieved a grade 9-7, 59.3% of students achieved a grade 9-5 and 72.4% of students achieved a grade 9-4
- 132 grade 9s (or equivalent) have been achieved across a wide range of subjects
- 62 students have achieved 5 or more 9-7 grades (23.3% of the cohort) and 35 students achieved 8 9-7 grades (13.3% of the cohort)
Key Stage 5 Results
We are very proud of the achievements of our students at Key Stage 5. There are a range of outstanding results for both Advanced Level and Advanced BTEC, with students moving on to a range of courses at university and apprenticeships. We wish them all the best of luck in the next steps of their academic journey.
Key Figures
- The overall Level 3 pass rate is 94.7%, with the BTEC Level 3 pass rate being 99% and the A Level pass rate being 93.2%. The average grade for BTEC Level 3 being ‘Distinction’
- 34% of all students gained at least 1 A*/A grade (or equivalent) across a range of subjects
- 75% of all students gained at least 1 A*/B grade (or equivalent) across a range of subjects
- 91.5% of all students gained at least 1 A*/C grade (or equivalent) across a range of subjects
- We are pleased that there was a strong performance in the following A level subjects where more than 20% of students achieved an A grade or above: Arabic (88.9%), Biology (22.5%), Chemistry (22.5%), Maths (33.3%) and Urdu (100%)
- Students achieving excellent results in BTEC Level 3 Diploma (D*D*-DD) – Business (100%), Health and Social Care (50%), Applied Science (60%) and BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate (D*-D) ICT (92.3%) and Health and Social Care (43.8%)
Queries about Your Results
When you receive your results, if you have a query, please check first with Mrs Davison and she will advise you on any possible next steps. You can contact Mrs Davison via email:
Should you request a review of marking, it is important to remember that the grade can be lowered. The deadline to submit a request for a review of marking is 20th September 2024 and the cost will vary depending on the exam board and the number of exam papers requested.
Look back at our Results 2023 information.