Transition To Review (8)

Year 6 Virtual Sports Day 2021

Unfortunately due to COVID-19, we are unable to meet you before the end of term this year, but we didn't want you to miss out on being introduced to our PE Department. So, instead of a physical event, we are delighted to welcome you to our 'Virtual Sports Day'.

Student Virtual Transition Day

We know the last few months have been an uncertain and challenging time for everyone, but we are working very hard to make sure the school is ready to welcome you as a new Year 7 student in September.

Getting to Know the Staff

At our transition events you would usually meet many of our staff, getting to know them before you start school in September. Unfortunately we have been unable to do that this year, however we have asked key members off staff to introduce themselves to you virtually.

Transition Booklets

We have produced information booklets to help students and parents with starting Year 7 at Whalley Range 11-18 High School.

How to Prepare for your Start

We appreciate that the transition to secondary school can be a difficult and daunting time for Year 6 children and their parents/carers. On this page we have tried to provide key pieces of information to help your daughter for her start at Whalley Range 11-18 High School.

Parents’ FAQ

It is normal to be excited and/or worried about your child when they are starting secondary school. The resources and links on this page are here to help answer any questions that you may have.

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
School Games Platinum Award 2023/24 - 2024/25 logo FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24 logo One Education Reading Award Gold logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Educate Awards Winner 2019 logo SSAT Educational Outcomes Awards 2018 logo SSAT Effective Learning Behaviour logo SSAT Climate for Learning logo Manchester United Foundation logo The Duke of Edinburgh logo The Cultural Diversity Standards logo The Schools Co-operative Society logo School Achievement Award logo Sport England logo Leading Edge Partnership Programme logo The Quality in Careers Standard logo Healthy Schools Manchester logo Basic Skills Quality Mark logo Whalley Range Sixth Form logo