Parents and Carers

Welcome to the Parents and Carers section of our website, which aims to help you find everything you might need to support your child’s schooling, all in one central place.

Parents and Carers: Parents and Carers V2

Welcome to the Parents and Carers section of our website, which aims to help you find everything you might need to support your child’s schooling, all in one central place.

The School Day

A complete timetable of the school day, plus arrival times and locations.

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for school at all times.

Extra Curricular Activities

Our staff put on a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities throughout the school year. Please take a look at the timetables on this page to see what students can get involved in this academic year.

Who to Contact

Key contact information for parents and carers to help you find the right person to deal with your query.


School events and term dates. While we do try to plan our events in advance they are subject to changes, so please check back regularly especially when close to an event date.

School Closures

If the school is closed for any emergency reason, we will send a text message and an email message to all the parent/carer details that we hold on our student records. It is therefore very important that you keep us up to date with any changes to your mobile phone number or email address. Information will also be available on the school’s website and an answerphone message will be left on the main telephone number (0161 861 9727). In addition, for short notice closures due to severe weather, local radio stations will be informed.

Requesting Information

If you would like a paper copy of any information published on this website please contact the school.

Parent View

An online questionnaire for you to give your view about this school at any time of the year. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
School Games Platinum Award 2023/24 - 2024/25 logo FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24 logo One Education Reading Award Gold logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Educate Awards Winner 2019 logo SSAT Educational Outcomes Awards 2018 logo SSAT Effective Learning Behaviour logo SSAT Climate for Learning logo Manchester United Foundation logo The Duke of Edinburgh logo The Cultural Diversity Standards logo The Schools Co-operative Society logo School Achievement Award logo Sport England logo Leading Edge Partnership Programme logo The Quality in Careers Standard logo Healthy Schools Manchester logo Basic Skills Quality Mark logo Whalley Range Sixth Form logo