Careers at Whalley Range

At Whalley Range 11-18 High School, we work hard to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their future. We are delighted to have been accredited with the Inspiring IAG Bronze, Silver and Gold awards, which recognise good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance, and are now working towards the renewal of The Quality in Careers Standard.

What we offer:

Students engaging with guests at our 2018 Futures Fest event

Work Experience and Volunteering

Year 10 students spend a week on work experience during March of each year. This offers an opportunity to fully experience the world of work and discover the employability skills required for a successful career. We work with Our Futures to secure exciting placements over a range of sectors in the Manchester area. Sixth Form students get the chance to further develop these skills on a second placement during Year 12.

College and University Application Support

Students are supported with applying for college/universities by Form Tutors and in-house careers advisors. We host lunchtime application workshops with local Colleges and Sixth Forms to allow students specific support for their preferred destination.

Careers Talks

We welcome employers from across the country to host targeted careers talks for students across the curriculum. Previous talks have been delivered by staff from the BBC, Siemens, The NHS alongside MP’s, Olympic athletes and even the Lord Mayor of Manchester.

National Careers Week

Various careers-based activities take place across the school to celebrate National Careers Week. Student are able to access advice and guidance from colleges and employers to support their progression. National Careers Week begins around early March every year.

Year 9 Options Choices

Students are supported throughout the options process through assemblies, talks, option evenings and option booklets. We aim to provide impartial guidance to facilitate a successful study pathway for each and every student.

Enterprise and Employability Skills

Students participate in numerous activities throughout the academic year, including enterprise challenges, employer visits and deep learning day activities. The pupils then reflect on these experiences and the skills that they have learnt.

Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017
Careers Fair - December 2017

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
School Games Platinum Award 2023/24 - 2024/25 logo FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24 logo One Education Reading Award Gold logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Educate Awards Winner 2019 logo SSAT Educational Outcomes Awards 2018 logo SSAT Effective Learning Behaviour logo SSAT Climate for Learning logo Manchester United Foundation logo The Duke of Edinburgh logo The Cultural Diversity Standards logo The Schools Co-operative Society logo School Achievement Award logo Sport England logo Leading Edge Partnership Programme logo The Quality in Careers Standard logo Healthy Schools Manchester logo Basic Skills Quality Mark logo Whalley Range Sixth Form logo