Assessment and Progress
When students arrive in Year 7 they are set an end of Year 11 target in each of their subjects, these targets are reviewed regularly throughout each student’s school career. The targets are set using the student’s KS2 scores and information published by The Department of Education to ensure our students are working towards positive Progress 8 scores.
In each subject there are clear guidelines (assessment grids) of what needs to be achieved each year in order for each number grade to be achieved by the end of KS4.
Students are assessed as T- (under target) T (on target) or T+ (above target), in relation to their end of KS4 target, against the assessment grid throughout KS3 and KS4. This is then clear to you where your daughter is at and what she needs to do to improve, and is more motivating for our students.
Please see our example grids for English.